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3/23/87 Autopoint.doc
Autopoint was written by Jude Katsch, formerly of Commodore-Amiga,
now of Byte by Byte.
To set up autopoint, create a directory named bgtasks and place the
file 'autopoint.bg' in that directory. Then, in your startup sequence
or at the CLI do an 'assign bgtasks: bgtasks'. If you wish to use
autopoint from the workbench, you will have to rename the file
'autopoint.in' to 'autopoint.info'. You may now double click on the
autopoint icon or simply type 'autopoint' from the CLI to begin.
Autopoint serves two functions: it automatically selects the window
underneath the mouse pointer and it provides a very nice screen save
facility. After a predetermined length of time, when no keyboard or
disk activity has occured, autopoint will blank the Amiga screen and
place a checkmark on the screen that continually changes position.
As soon as the mouse is moved or a key is pressed, the screen is
restored to it's previous state. Autopoint will default to a special
mode called 'tofront' which automatically moves the window under the
mouse pointer in front of all other windows. If you don't want the
windows automatically moved to the front, invoke autopoint with the
argument 'notofront' - WorkBench users can place the word 'notofront'
in the comment field to accomplish this. For the life of me, I can't
remember how to specify the timeout for screen blanking, but I've
been perfectly happy with the default.
You can manually invoke Autopoint's screen saver by hitting right-Amiga
right-shift. Autopoint may be exited by hitting a left-Amiga right-shift
(yes, the right shift key must be used - before exiting, Autopoint will
put up an autorequester to verify if you wish to quit).